Predictive Merchandiser: Rewrites Manager

Predictive Merchandiser: Rewrites Manager

Arrange result assortments influenced by high-performing keywords and phrases with no developer help.

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About this course

Have you ever tried searching for something and got results that weren't even close to what you wanted or meant? The Rewrites Manager in Predictive Merchandiser can help with that! Search rewrites give you the opportunity to boost conversions and create better customer experiences all by improving your relevancy.
Goal: After taking this course, you will be able to create search rewrites that optimize your user's search results.
Course Objectives:
  • Define the types of query rewriting strategies and summarize their importance.
  • Create search rewrites and identify how to apply them.
  • Compare query rewriting strategies and conceptualize how they affect your user's search results.
  • Utilize best practices when creating search rewrites.

Before starting this course

Prerequisites: None
What you should know: The basics of Fusion Architecture.
Duration: ~60 minutes 


Curriculum60 Minutes

  • Rewrites Manager
  • Knowledge Check
  • Course Feedback

About this course

Have you ever tried searching for something and got results that weren't even close to what you wanted or meant? The Rewrites Manager in Predictive Merchandiser can help with that! Search rewrites give you the opportunity to boost conversions and create better customer experiences all by improving your relevancy.
Goal: After taking this course, you will be able to create search rewrites that optimize your user's search results.
Course Objectives:
  • Define the types of query rewriting strategies and summarize their importance.
  • Create search rewrites and identify how to apply them.
  • Compare query rewriting strategies and conceptualize how they affect your user's search results.
  • Utilize best practices when creating search rewrites.

Before starting this course

Prerequisites: None
What you should know: The basics of Fusion Architecture.
Duration: ~60 minutes 


Curriculum60 Minutes

  • Rewrites Manager
  • Knowledge Check
  • Course Feedback